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Building Permits & Guidelines

Building Permit

Application Guidelines for Dallastown Borough

Items requiring a building permit include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Window replacements where the size of the window openings has been altered
  • Roofing
  • Change of usage of a building
  • Addition or removal of walls/change of egress
  • Decks
  • Electrical and plumbing work
  • Additions and structural alterations to an existing structure
  • Swimming pools and ornamental ponds (permanent & temporary pools that can hold 24 inches of water or more)…….. POOL PERMIT APP
  • Handrails and guards for balconies, porches and patios
  • Sheds or garages over 240 sq.ft. (under 240 sq. ft. require a zoning permit)

Construction documents and other data shall be submitted in 3 or more sets for each application.

The construction documents must indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and must show in detail how it will conform to the provisions in the IRC (International Residential Code) and IBC (International Building Code) of 2018.  All construction will need the details of construction specified on the drawing. Illustrate/describe your proposed addition/alteration in enough detail (like a blue print) so the plan reviewer can efficiently evaluate your application. If the application lacks sufficient construction detail, your application will be rejected.

Each application must have a plan review.  A residential plan review will take up to 15 business days and a commercial, multi-family and industrial plan review will take up to 30 business days.  Once a plan review is completed, the plan review, inspections and permit will be paid for before the permit will be issued..

Complete application available at the link below and submit it with your drawings to the Dallastown Borough Office.

Zoning Permit

Application Guidelines for Dallastown Borough

A zoning permit is required for the following:

  • Gazebos
  • Grade level patios
  • Non-illuminated signage
  • Sheds [no plumbing, no electric and less than 240 sq.ft.] SHED PERMIT – APPLICATION
  • Paved or stone driveways and parking spaces
  • Swimming pools (permanent & temporary that can 18 to 23 inches of water with no electrical components) 
  • Decking or patios that are less than 30 inches above grade

Complete an application and submit it with 2 sets of drawings to the Dallastown Borough Office. (The Borough Office has guidelines for sheds, pools, decks, and fencing located in the lobby or visit the Applications/Forms page for specific applications with instructions.)

Stormwater Permit

As of 1/1/13, new storm water regulations are in effect for Dallastown Borough.

New Impervious Area

The calculation of impervious square footage subject to the Small Project Site Activities fee in lieu program shall run with the land and shall be calculated as of January 1, 2013 (Ordinance 575-12).  The initial and all future projects subject to a payment, as set forth in the fee schedule below, shall be added to any future projects for the purpose of (a) calculating any fee; and (b) determining eligibility for the Small Project Site Activities fee in lieu provisions.  Once the total of all projects exceed 500 sq feet, the property shall NOT be eligible for a Small Project payment in lieu of the construction of Stormwater Best Management Practices under the Dallastown Borough Stormwater Management Ordinance.  Once your total square footage of projects exceeds 500 sq ft in, a Stormwater Permit must be obtained.  A Stormwater Permit is required for projects when the total accumulated impervious area is between 500-999 square feet.  Once your total accumulated impervious area exceeds 1000 square feet, a stormwater management plan prepared by your engineer is required.  The Borough Engineer will review your SWM plan and inspect the stormwater facility, as it is constructed, that is required for your project.

Stormwater Activities Fee Schedule

For all new impervious square footage

(in accumulated total from 1/1/13 to present)

Impervious Area

Sq. Footage

0 – 250 $1.50 per sq. ft.
251-500 $375 plus $3.00 per sq. ft. over 251 sq. ft. up to 500 sq. ft.
501-1000 $50 plan review & inspection fee
1001 + $200 application fee + review & inspection fees as required by the Borough Engineer

1 – 500 Square Feet in Total requires:

– Please call the Borough Office to discuss your project and Building or Zoning Permit needed.

– The stormwater fee based on the above chart. (STORMWATER FEE RESOLUTION)

501 – 1000 Square Feet in total requires:

– Please call the Borough Office to discuss your project and Building or Zoning Permit needed.


– Stormwater facility (pit, basin, etc.) chosen from the prepared SMALL PROJECTS GUIDE or one prepared by your engineer and approved by the Borough. (Preparing a SWM plan in this scenario by your own engineer is at the discretion of the property owner, however, it will be more costly than using a pre-approved plan from the Small Projects Guide.  Preparing your own plan in this option will require the same $200 application fee as a project 1000+ sq. ft. in size would require.)

1001 + Square Feet in total requires:

– A Stormwater Management plan prepared by your engineer & fee based on the above chart

– Construct the Stormwater facility as designed in your approved SWM plan.

The following table specifies the zoning criteria for the Dallastown Borough.

Zone   Front Setback Side Setback   Rear Setback   Accessory Structures1 Building Height   Lot Coverage Fencing

25 ft

10 ft

30 ft

Rear setback:  10 ft

Side setback:  combined total of 8 ft or more, no less than 3 ft on one side

Principal structure:  2 ½ stories, but not over 30 ft.

Accessory structure:  2 stories, but not over 25 ft

Up to 45% may be covered with imp ervious surfaces

Up to 6 ft. in height in rear and side yards; up to 3 ft in height in front yards.

continue down…

Properties with yards bounded by streets, lanes or avenues, the height of the fence is limited to 3 ft.


15 ft

5 ft

All other:
10 ft

20 ft

Rear setback:  10 ft

Side setback:  combined total of 8 ft or more, no less than 3 ft on one side

Principal structure:  2 ½ stories, but not over 30 ft.3

Accessory structure:  2 stories, but not over 25 ft

Up to 60%4 may be covered with impervious surfaces
C-S 15 ft 10 ft

20 ft

Rear setback:  10 ft

Side setback:  combined total of 8 ft or more, no less than 3 ft on one side

Principal structure:  2 ½ stories, but not over 30 ft.

Accessory structure:  2 stories, but not over 25 ft

Up to 90% may be covered with impervious surfaces
C-H 25 ft 20 ft 10 ft —-

Principal structure:  2 ½ stories, but not over 30 ft.5

Accessory structure:  2 stories, but not over 25 ft

Up to 80% may be covered with impervious surfaces


30 ft 20 ft

30 ft


Principal structure:  3 stories, but not over 35 ft.

Accessory structure:  2 stories, but not over 25 ft

Up to 90% may be covered with impervious surfaces Up to 8 ft in height in all yard areas.

1 Accessory structures are to be located between the rear wall of the principal structure and the rear property line and must be at least 10 feet from the principal structure.
2 SFD = single family detached dwelling
3 Height limit may be extended to 3½ stories but not over 40 ft. if each yard is increased one ft. width for each additional ft. of height over 30 ft.
4 70% lot coverage is acceptable for properties where the lot width is less than 40 feet.
5 Height limit may be extended to 3½ stories but not over 40 ft. if each yard is increased one ft. width for each additional ft. of height over 30 ft.
*pools will require a building permit in addition to a zoning permit
R-O = Residential Outlying; R-T = Residential Town; C-S = Commercial Shopping;
C-H = Commercial Heavy & Highway; I-G = Industrial General

Other zoning criteria will be reviewed at the time your plan is submitted.